About TIJ

Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ) was established by the Royal Thai Government on June 13, 2011. TIJ’s primary objectives are to promote the implementation of United Nation Rules for the treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (the Bangkok Rules) as well as other relevant UN standards and norms, especially those related to women and children. TIJ also gears its work towards important cross-cutting issue on the UN agenda such as the rule of law and sustainable development.
Building on Thailand’s engagement in the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and the UN Crime Congresses, TIJ serves as a bridge that transports global ideas to local practice, including in enhancing fair, effective and gender-sensitive criminal justice system in Thailand and in the ASEAN region.
TIJ was officially recognized by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) as the latest member of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network Institutes (PNIs) on 24 May 2016, the first one in Southeast Asia region. There are now 18 PNI members worldwide working to provide a variety of services, including the exchange of information, research, training, technical assistance and knowledge dissemination to the UN Member States.